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#ALUInternDiary: 16 weeks to Jumpstart a Lifelong Ambition? Challenge Accepted!

Adnane Mezouar is a student at ALU’s campus in Mauritius, African Leadership College (ALC). Mezouar is interning with McKinsey & Company’s Human Resources department in his home country, Morocco.

What are you currently working on?
My primary role is to help develop and design a recruiting programme for McKinsey. I’m working with a team of HR professionals and consultants. Additionally, I have the privilege of working on exciting projects that are outside of the HR domain. These include, research, brainstorms and making high quality presentations and deliverables that will be presented to partners.

How has your internship been so far? Any highlights or lowlights?

I’m excited from the moment I step into the office till I leave. There hasn’t been a day at work where I haven’t learned something new, heard an interesting idea or just been impressed by the quality of work and level of professionalism. But certainly some of the most memorable moments have to do with attending closed meetings with top players in the industry.

However, one major lowlight has been living in one city and working in another. Living a 100km away hasn’t been an easy task, especially for a first timer. I’ve gotten used to the commute and have started taking advantage of the time to be more productive. It helps me to either to get into the mindset and focus needed to start the day or to make the final touches that will help get my deliverables to perfection.

What is the biggest lesson you have learnt so far?

The biggest lesson I have learnt so far is the fact that taking ownership is a concept that is applicable to every aspect of life including internships. Your experiences and learning curve are determined by how motivated and proactive you are throughout the internship period. One other important thing I have learnt is that creating long lasting relationships with your coworkers is one of the most valuable assets you can have.

What do you wish you had known before?
Overall I feel that I came ready for my internship. The first year Leadership Core has enabled me to build certain skills and awareness that came in handy; especially the Projects class. But one piece of advice I wish I had heard before is: ”Adnane, be ready for real hard work!”

What do you miss the most about school?
What I really miss about school are the friends I made, the amazing culture we have built as founders and most certainly the little free time I had.

What do you hope to achieve by the end of this internship?
My main goal is to grow and improve as a person. I want to acquire as much knowledge and experience from the talented and intelligent people around me. While I am still in the early stages of this experience, I can already see how it has impacted me and how my whole vision and approach towards my studies has changed. Maturity is the word I’d use to describe it.

What would you like to tell the new cohort as they start their journey?
I would like to tell the new cohort three things; a) enjoy your time in Mauritius and try to keep a positive mindset, because the ride can get rough, b) take advantage and capitalise on every opportunity and door that opens to you. You have time to think and act so do both, c) cherish every comment and piece of feedback your facilitators give you.

Finish this sentence: The working world is …
The working world is a great way to cultivate discipline, learn and invest it in your own personal growth.